Primary Sources
Hannas, Orlie. Interview by author, February 28, 1991.
Kohler, Clarence and Hazel Kohler. Interview by author, February 18, 1991.
Rommel, Cecil. Interview by author, March 17, 1991.
Wills, Norma and Walter Wills. Interview by author, March 18, 1991
East Washingtonian (Pomeroy, WA), 28 November; 5, 19 December 1891. 30 July; 17 September; 15 October 1892. 12, 19, 26 March; 23, 28 May; 25 June; 6 August 1942.
Lewiston Morning Tribune (Lewiston, ID), 11 March, 1962. 7 September, 1958. 9 April, 1977.
Spokesman Review (Spokane, WA), 23 April 1901.
Pullman Herald (Pullman, WA), 27 April; 29 June 1901.

Secondary Sources
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Baldwin, Ewart. A History of Garfield County. Eugene: OR, by author, 1989.
Brumfield, Kirby. This Was Wheat Farming. Seattle: Superior Publishing Company, 1968.
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Sherfy, Florence E. This Was Their Time. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press. 1975.
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Wilcox, Walter W., and Willard W. Cochrane. Economics of American Agriculture. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1960.

• Farming
• Transportation
• Grain Chutes
• Mayview Tramway
Bulk Handling
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
• Oral Interviews
• Maps
• Illustrations
• Comments