All projects of this nature are interwoven by the network of friends, colleagues, associates, and family that make it all possible. Without the support of these people my work on the Mayview Tramway would never have been completed.
Thanks to Dr. William J. "Bill" Youngs, at Eastern Washington University; his was the idea to turn this project into a web site. Special technical thanks go to Darbie Marlin and Jay Cousins at WebMaker for technical help constructing this site.
I would also like to thank the Garfield County Museum for allowing me free rein in their photograph collection and the assistance of Mrs. Beale in finding the things I needed.
Special thanks to my family. Lon, for being there and continually encouraging me when the extra five years this project took seemed like an eternity. Mom and dad, for always being loving, caring, and supportive. If you hadn't believed in me first, I would never have made it this far. A long list of friends helped me persevere: Darbie, Lori, Marchia, Ona (not only a sister, but a friend), Shelleye, Kari, Debbie and Diane (another sister who is a best friend).

• Farming
• Transportation
• Grain Chutes
• Mayview Tramway
Bulk Handling
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
• Oral Interviews
• Maps
• Illustrations
• Comments