Spokane on the 'Net
Movie Links
This page contains links to many of the movie resources on the web. You will find movie studio web sites, movie reviews, show times, e-zines
What's Playing in the Inland Empire?
Local Theatres Links
Regal Cinemas
AMC Theatres (downtown Spokane, twelve screens).
Village Centre Cinamas (Wandermere, north Spokane).
Garland Theatre (Monroe and Garland, second run films in Spokane).
- Try Fandango for
IMAX, Regal and AMC listings.
- Movie Link Movie times... All Across America
Reviews and Movie Databases
Movie Makers and Other Scoundrels
Movie Related... Mostly
What's playing in the Inland Empire?
Reviews and Movie Databases
- Internet Movie Database More movie information than you'll ever need
- Movie Critic Reviews by the proletariat - Free but Registration Req.
- Film.Com This is waycoool
- Roger Ebert's home page (He's the big one)
- James Berardinelli Excellent reviews nicely presented
Movie Makers and other Scoundrels
- Dimension Films Scream2 and other schlock shockers
- The Homepage for Disney Studios
- IMAX The big screen site.
- MCA Universal Cyberwalk The whole MCA/Universal enchilada - very nice
- Universal Pictures Just the Universal Pictures part of MCA/Universal
- MGM - The Lion's Den Current Flicks Information
- Miramax Cafe
- Paramount Star Trek and other Fantasies
- Troma It's the Toxic Avenger - obscure, cheerfully sleazy.
- 20th Century Fox Independence Day, Jingle All the Way - or Whatever
- Warner Brothers Wascally Wabbits and All That Folks
Movie Related... Mostly
- Movie Cliches List Belly laughs over all those stupid movie stereotypes
- The Pink Panther MGM's PP site is full of video clips, cartoons, contests and ???
- Yahoo's Entertainment/Movie category

SPKN.net: Spokane on the 'Net
524 West Euclid Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205-4912
524 West Euclid Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205-4912
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